Every parent becomes a member of the Mosaic Parents Association (MPA) once a child is enrolled at the school. There is a 0 CHF membership fee.
At the beginning of the school year, in the online “Starting kit”, you can select to share your contact details with the Association. If you have not done so, please send us an email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Mosaic Parents Association was formally set up on 29 March 2012. It works with the school administration and staff to build effective co-operation and partnership.
The Association raises funds through cake sales and other events to sponsor projects and purchase special equipment for the school.
Parents can get involved in the association on many levels:
- All Mosaic parents are invited to attend the association’s General Assembly meetings to share ideas and get involved in planning future events.
- We encourage parents to nominate themselves to join our Committee & sub-committees. Election of members are held at the start of every school year.
- Parents can choose to volunteer for specific event or activity. Contact us if you have a specific preference for helping us.